We recently installed an openLDAP to test out a prototype we were working on. I was able to leverage the ldapDC (LDAP DataControl) provided in the ezShare sample
application (referenced below).
ezShare Application
Reference (OPSS Sample Application):
Since the application had some pre-built OPSS service calls I
decided to write a REST service wrapper so that I could invoke the “createUserProfile()”
method already built for me. I took the ldapDC project and put it in my ADF
application. I modified it to include a new group (which is defined in my
openLDAP) “homeowner.”
Once I was finished with that I created a simple java class
called “registerUser.” I exposed it as a service by including the @Path(“registeruser”)
above the class name. I then added a new method called “postRegister” which was
exposed as an @POST method which @Produces (“text/plain”). I could have easily
used application/json or another mime type. But I just wanted to output the
results of the service call.
I have a simple HTML form that posts the REST parameters
Once it’s invoked you should see a success message. If you
are interested in the prototype application you’ll need to make sure you have
an LDAP environment set up and your LDAPAuthenticator configured in your
security realm of your weblogic instance. Post your comments and questions here
and I’ll be happy to help you.